
All our activities (workshops, presentations, coaching) aim at achieving a behavioural change through insight in the underlying mechanisms and the application thereof within the proper working environment.
The secret ingredient of application is the use of interactive dialogue and the exchange of practical tips & tricks.
All interventions can be done as well in English as in Dutch or French.
To maintain the interactivity, the number of participants is limited to maximum 12 participants.

Training in
Organisation and
Before accepting any assignment, the teacher will personally contact whoever initiated the training application in order to well understand the challenges and expectations of the targeted audience.

All courses are conceived as interactive, practice-oriented workshops, during which the trainer illustrates the concepts and techniques taught with real-life examples, small exercises and tests and urges the participants to apply what is learned to their own environment.
The course material consists of:
- a workbook wherein participants can take notes as they see fit, alongside the printout of the PowerPoint slides
- a list of reading material referring to interesting books and websites for further exploration of the topic
- a series of templates and checklists to start from
- a glossary of the most important concepts dealt with during the workshop
During the workshop the participants will establish their own list of tips & tricks and exchange their ideas with the other participants. This list is designed to become an instrument for self-evaluation to be used and consulted even long after the class is ended.
Practical arrangements
The training sessions take place in the training facilities offered by the client. The tables for the participants are put in a U-shape with at the open end an empty table for the trainer. Besides a beamer with projection screen, we also need a flipchart. The trainer will bring his own portable (Windows 10 with an HDMI video connector - we have a HDMI-VGA-connection-convertor).
The Personal Action Plan
Throughout the workshop, participants are urged to write down not only the practical tips & tricks but also a minimal number of concrete personal action points: things they want to apply effectively to their daily practice. At the end of the workshop, they are asked to hand in their action plan so that we can offer the after-care service as described hereafter.
Within 48 hours after the workshop, the personal action plan is returned to each participant individually by e-mail. 2 and 6 months after the last day of the workshop, the trainer will return once more the individual action plans to the respective participants as a means to sustain the learning effect of the training.
Online coaching
Participants can always contact the trainer by e-mail for further advice, discussion or coaching. If needed, the trainer will invite the participant to switch to other communication channels such as telephone, instant messaging, Skype, etc.).
Evaluation by the participants
At the end of each training day, participants are asked to evaluate the workshop on different criteria such as content, teacher's competence, and practical use. The results of these evaluations are put in a clearly structured dashboard report and discussed with the training principal.